Thursday, November 24, 2011

Book Review - Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires

Do you ever wonder what it would take to become a self-made millionaire? Do you wish you had the resources they had? Do you believe that, sadly, you do not have a chance?

Cheer Up! You do have a chance. Adam Khoo's book "Secrets of Self-Made Millionaire" explains how he did it at age 26.  Yes, age 26.  So, we all still have hope!   Adam describes the process step by step, I assure you if I can understand and follow it, you can.  If you are reading this blog, you are more than smart to do it.

I am so encouraged by what he wrote about his e-book and the foreword of Ron Kaufmann, that I got his e-book last night, all of 389 pages, no kidding.  Part IV about internet business is where I am going.  If you make too much money, set up a Foundation like Bill Gates, Jr.  and help deserving people.

I better stop yapping and let you check this link and decide for yourself, let me know what you think and lets help each other get the millions!!